Friday, December 21, 2018

Worldwide air pollution epidemic

If People will not start to raise questions - No change in air pollution will come, it will keep killing us and everyone we know silently.

The report of the Israeli Ministry of Health in December 2018 states: In the northern city of Haifa, which has the highest rate of air pollution in Israel, the rate of hospitalization of children is more than twice the average in Israel when the general trend in Israel declines.

Hospitalization of children in Haifa, which is considered the city with the highest rate of air pollution in Israel, is 2.32 times higher, according to a report by the Israeli Ministry of Health, which examined the medical hospitalization of children up to the age of 14.
This is the first study of its kind in Israel, according to which Haifa is the most prominent region in the data, especially with regard to the largest amount of pollutants in the region than in any other part of Israel.

There are governments and mayors who have decided to find effective solutions to the pollution epidemic that is very damaging to certain cities, as can learn more in the video article attached here.